Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Painting.

Acrylic painting mounted on wood. I am thinking about making a series. I got this image from a scene in the movie Last House on the Left. I am going to look at more scenes from horror movies and make my own interpretation. Hopefully a series of 5 by October.

A little bit more throwing.

Some more throwing. I'm enjoying the color with my black and white images. 

Third Sculpture.

White Clay, again with the oxides and stains. This one is only about fourteen inches tall. I think my next sculptures will be larger and more like this, but with less humanistic features and more of the abstract gestures.

Second Large- scale Sculpture

White Clay, Red Iron Oxide, Copper Carbonate Stain. A little over three feet tall.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Large Scale Sculpture.

First large- scale, successful piece I have ever made. It stands at about 31 inches tall and is painted to represent muscle tissue and movement. 


Small scale "practice" sculpture. Only about 9 or 10 inches tall.

The Beginning

Sketches of dancing figures in black ink on tracing paper.


So here is the deal. I sucked at keeping up with my progression this summer. I have a ton of photos that I'm just gonna throw out there, so bear with me. I was lucky enough to be accepted into a summer program that allowed me to work with a grad student named Julia Feld. She is an amazing artist, as well as mentor, and I created a body of work that she advised me through building. The work I made was large- scale figurative sculptures. I used a white clay and stained them with red iron oxide and copper carbonate. The work was inspired by tribal dances and the idea that when we allow ourselves to emerge into a primal state of emotion, the physical expression is at its highest point of beauty and honesty. Hope you enjoy the mess of photos, and here is a link to Julia's website. You need to check her out.